St. Teresa of Calcutta
Newman Center

Serving college students of kearney since 1952

About us

The mission of the St. Teresa of Calcutta Newman Center is transforming college students into missionary disciples who know Christ Jesus deeply and love Him through a continual gift of self.

Our model of formation is drawn from the wisdom of Pope St. John Paul II and his four pillar model. In 1992, he released a Papal exhortation called Pastores Dabo Vobis concerning the formation programs in seminaries. It addressed a great need to understand how we are to conform our lives entirely to resemble the person of Christ. In the exhortation, St. JPII outlined a practical approach focusing on four Pillars of Formation: Human, Spiritual, Intellectual, and Apostolic. Since its release, it has changed the way in which the church and religious ministries comprehend how to pursue holiness. These Pillars now serve as a guide to the Newman Center's philosophy regarding the formation of students on our college campus.


The chapel is open to the public each day from 7:00am to 11:00pm.

Sunday: 8:00am, 10:00am, and 5:00pm
Mon, Tue, Wed: 5:15pm Thursday: 9:00pm
Friday: 12:15pm at Mt. Carmel Home Chapel
Saturday: 9:00am

Adoration and Confession offered 1 hour before every Mass, except the 8am Sunday Mass

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