The Catholic faith alone can provide the practical wisdom, common sense, consistent theology, and thorough philosophy that leads to full human happiness and flourishing.
From The Catholic Gentleman’s
All Roads Lead to Rome: 10 Reasons to Become Catholic
God, our Creator, desires so deeply to be in relationship with us. During His life on earth, Jesus established His church in its fullness as a means to dispense His grace into us. This is the Catholic church.
The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) introduces and explains the teachings, beliefs, and practices of Catholic faith and prepares individuals to become Catholic through prayer, discernment, and formation. Those inquiring full communion with the Catholic Church attend weekly classes that prepare them to receive the Sacraments of Initiation.
Classes will being on Wednesday, September 4 at 6pm. Contact Fr. Neal Hock to be kept in the loop regarding OCIA classes and fill out the attached intake form below. Thank you!